How to design a garden
Designing a garden is not easy. Often you already have a lot of ideas about what your garden should look like. Yet it is always wise to involve a professional designer. Especially when it comes to a larger project.
Because even if you are creative and have green fingers. There is more to it than meets the eye. It is also important that you choose a gardener who understands the subject matter and who is able to communicate well, so that you can enjoy your beautiful garden for a long time. We are happy to help you with the construction of your garden.
Every garden design starts with an idea
It doesn't matter if you start with a bare plot of land or if you want to give your existing garden a facelift. Designing a garden starts with an idea. It is good to start with your wishes. On our website you will find a handy wish list that you can use as a guide. Take your time to determine your garden wishes and also consider what you might want in the future. That way, you won't have to start all over again in a few years' time. It may be that a garden with different heights is on your wish list now. But will it still be there in 10 years' time when you are a bit older? It is good to consider this. Decide on your budget in advance so that you know where you stand and there are no surprises.
Designing a garden that fits your budget
It is no surprise that designing and having a garden laid out costs money. It is wise to determine your budget in advance and work from there. This way you know what is possible with your budget and you are not faced with unpleasant surprises later. Sometimes you will have to make concessions and sometimes more is possible than you expect. And because money can only be spent once, a garden designer is also aware of the budget already in the design process, and by making the right choices, you will end up benefiting from a better price.
The garden design is ready. Choose a competent landscaper
Your garden design and planting plan are complete and the financial picture is complete. Then it's time to start laying the garden. And because you want a sustainably laid out garden that does not need to be repaired after a few years, you naturally want a professional landscaper to work on it. A landscaper who provides a guarantee and builds the garden according to the design. A competent landscaper consults regularly and involves you in the progress, so that you know where you stand.
When it comes to laying out your garden, choose a competent landscaper, someone who knows his trade and is versatile. In that respect, the work of a landscaper is a unique profession in which it is important to be able to handle all kinds of tools and machines. It is also important that a skilled landscaper masters various techniques and carries out his work well and accurately. In addition, communication and working efficiently are a must. Of course, a green professional also has a well-equipped van with the right tools and materials.
Extraordinary gardens
One of the challenges in gardening is that every garden and situation is unique. Each garden is for example designed by a different designer, which gives it a different purpose and design. Every designer has his or her own way of working and creativity. Sometimes the garden is also more difficult to reach, for example in the heart of a city. This requires extra effort, such as lugging more often and thinking ahead about the obstacles in order to keep the more difficult projects running smoothly.
A pleasant cooperation
Good cooperation between the client, the garden designer and the landscaper is indispensable. Consultation during the work about the progress and working method is very pleasant. And good contact with the garden designer, because even after the delivery of the design, there are always things that need to be looked at or questions that may arise. Understanding each other when working reduces the time needed to solve a problem or answer a question. A brief exchange of views by telephone or a live discussion of the work in the garden is part of a pleasant cooperation.
For us, it is a conscious choice to work together. We take care of the execution of the work and the designer is in charge of the entire creative process. Designing a beautiful garden, a garden that is also a match, simply takes time. Choices have to be made about the materials to be used. This requires knowledge of materials and knowledge of which plants flourish where and whether they will still have sufficient space after a number of years.
Devising and designing a garden requires a great deal of knowledge and experience. The garden must be 'right' in form, dimensions and size of the various elements. A garden and landscape architect or garden designer is trained to take care of these elements in detail. So there is a clear difference between a garden designer and a landscaper, and between a design and the laying out of the garden. We therefore consciously choose to work with a designer. That way, we enhance each other.
And whether the garden design is made by a garden designer through the Tuinen van Appeltern, the Tuinontwerpersgroep (TOG) or a regionally known garden designer or garden architect, makes no difference to us. What matters is whether you are on the same wavelength as the designer when designing the garden. In addition, of course, you can expect a designer to have completed the appropriate training courses, such as a college course in Hogeschool Tuin- en Landschapsinrichting or a garden design training course at the Design Academy or design institute, and to have sufficient knowledge of planting.
Because of our experience, we know what is going on and what is involved in the laying out of a garden. And that is what you can expect from a professional landscaper. Are you looking for a landscaper who can realise your garden based on your garden design? Then feel free to contact us.

Astrum garden and landscaping services
Zonnehof 123
2632 BJ Nootdorp
T 015 750 49 48